
Sr. No. Name Department Qualification Designation


Best Cardiac Hospital in Thane

The hospital has Cardiology outpatient consultation and  ECG,  2D Echo diagnostic facility.

In case patients require cardiac management they are referred to Dr L H Hiranandani hospital which has team of experience cardiologists, cardiac imaging services, newer generation Cath lab and super ICCU supported by full time intensivists and modern monitors and equipments.

Our Team


Following are risk factors for coronary artery disease:

  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • History of heart disease in the family
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Diet containing a large number of saturated fats
  • High cholesterol
  • Inactivity

A heart attack is a condition that occurs when the supply of blood and oxygen to a particular area of the heart muscle gets disrupted. This blockage is the leading cause of arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat) that cause a fatal decline in the pumping function of the heart.

The most common symptoms that occur in the case of a heart attack include chest pain, sudden perspiration, palpitations, breathlessness, pain in the left shoulder and neck region.

Not everyone will have chest pain (angina pectoris), some will have only breathlessness or giddiness with or without sweating, but If one is having any chest pain, then a doctor should be consulted.

Most heart attack patients go back to work within two weeks to three months depending on the severity of the heart attack. The doctor will determine when a patient can go back and whether the current job is suitable for a person who has had a heart attack

Coronary angiography is a diagnostic process that is performed for detecting the blockages in the blood vessels of the heart. A radio-opaque dye is injected in the coronary arteries with the help of a thin tube inserted either through your groin or wrist and images are taken under cath-lab. It shows the narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels if there is a blockage.

Angiography complications are extremely rare. A detailed list of possible complications is provided in the consent form. Please go through the consent form in detail and if have any doubt, please ask the doctor for clarification. To have an allergic reaction to the contrast is extremely unusual. If you have any allergies please remember to inform the cardiologist before the procedure is started.

Angiography is carried out in a hospital in cath lab. It normally takes between 15- 30 minutes, and you can usually go home the same day.

Coronary Angioplasty is a medical procedure used to restore the blood flow through a blocked artery. In this non-surgical procedure, a thin tube with a balloon is inserted to expand the site of blockage in the coronary artery. It is also referred to as PTCA (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty).

A stent is a stretchy wire mesh tube that is inserted into the expanded artery for keeping it open and allowing the flow of blood.

Stents are of two types:

Plain metal variety.

The drug-release type that disperses the drug while in place for assisting in keeping the artery dilated.

Following are the risks involved in the procedure of angioplasty:

  • Bursting of the artery.
  • Kidney problem due to the iodine contrast dye in X-rays.
  • Restenosis or re-blockage of the blood vessels.

There are excellent chances of leading a healthy life & go back to work. Most people are back to their earlier lifestyle within a week after angioplasty if they have not suffered a heart attack & if ejection fraction of heart (heart pumping) is >50%.


All that needed is to make a few modifications in lifestyle in terms of Diet, Exercise, etc which will help to become normal much faster and prevent the chances of Restenosis.

After the angiogram, the patient is monitored while in the recovery area before given a discharge. If the process was of angioplasty/stents, one has to stay overnight, during which the patient is closely observed. In both cases, the patient must have someone to accompany since one is not in a condition to drive.

The doctor discusses the preliminary results of the angiogram before the patient is discharged. There is a discussion about any side effects that a patient might experience at home. Sometimes, the use of clot-preventing medicines is also prescribed after the process.

The cardiac rehabilitation program is a medically supervised program that helps in the improvement of the health and well-being of people suffering from different kinds of heart problems.

Regular physical activity like brisk walking for 30-40 minutes a day, strengthens and protects the heart from major cardiovascular diseases. While an intense exercise for 20-30 minutes is optional as it concentrates more on body muscle building. A person recovering from a heart attack is advised to rest for 2-3 weeks with minimal physical activity. However, mild cardio exercises and slow walking are very helpful to speed up the recovery process. But, it must be done as per Doctor's advice.

  • Avoid fried, fatty things especially saturated trans-fat.
  • Eat more vegetables & fruits
  • Select whole grain and high fiber diet

X-Ray or CT scan can be done at any time, MRI can be done after one and half month of the procedure (please consult your Doctor before MRI).
