High Risk Pregnancy Clinic

Sr. No. Name Department Qualification Designation


High Risk Pregnancy Clinic

A high risk pregnancy is a condition arising out of complications during or after pregnancy and birth, potentially endangering the lives of the expecting mother, developing fetus or both.

Facilities / Services

Facilities Available

High Risk Patients often require detailed assessment involving

  • Genetic counseling.
  • Prenatal screening and diagnosis with facilities, which include biochemical marker screening, chorion villus sampling, aminotesis, fetal blood sampling and advanced ultrasound for detection of fetal anomalies.
  • Extensive ante - partum and intra- partum fetal suveillance.
  • Specialized neonatal care.
  • Fetal Medicine Clinic.
  • HOPE Clinic (High Risk OPD on Paediatric Evaluation).


Services Offered

The High Risk Pregnancy Clinic aims at providing surveillance and Management of Pregnancies at risk due to either 

  • Past obstetric outcomes like repeated abortions, previous still birth or neonatal deaths.
  • Medical illness complicating pregnancy.
  • Events occurring during the present pregnancy like baby’s growth deficit restriction, prematurity, bleeding or rupture of the waterbag & resulting in watery vaginal discharge.
  • Multiple Pregnancies.


Location: 8th floor, MDT Room.

Days & Timings: Tuesday & Friday: 4 pm to 6 pm.

For Appointments Contact

Clinic Coordinator: Dr Seeru Garg - 9833702339 / 02 225763500

