Sr. No. | Name | Department | Qualification | Designation |
Patient satisfaction has been defined as “fulfillment or meeting of expectations of a person from a service or product”. It has been argued that patients and their relatives expect good clinical care as well as good facilities during their visit to the hospital, and these may be useful markers of quality of care. In addition, Morris and colleagues highlight that “patient satisfaction” may also be a part of the “pay-for-performance metrics” and added incentives to hospitals.Customer satisfaction can be a complex process; numerous authors have discussed various theories about customer satisfaction in detail.Currently, when the patients higher dissatisfaction; some other authors have not found any association between gender and patient satisfaction. Apart from these factors, distance from the hospital, socioeconomic status, and duration of hospital stay were also associated with patient satisfaction. Another factor that has is considered important in patient satisfaction in the billing process. This forms a part of the “discharge process” and may be responsible for some of the delay in the process. Since, the discharge procedure is one of the last interactions with the health care setting; experience during this process may influence the overall patient satisfaction with the health care settings.
With this background, the present study was designed to assess the patient satisfaction in a tertiary care hospital in Mumbai (India) and the factors associated with patient satisfaction in these patients. We also wanted to evaluate the delay in discharge process, the factors associated with delay, and their association with overall satisfaction with the health care setting.
Home care Nurse - +022 67998444 / 8555, 25458666 / 8667
Home care Nurse - 9769321195
Homecare : 9619526226
E-mail : [email protected]
Nursing care is an integral part of the health-care system. Nurses play a vital role in promoting healthy lifestyle and self-care in the community. The facility will provide for highly skilled and well-trained nursing personnel for various medical care.
Following procedures would be covered under the home-care facility: