Metabolic and Obesity Clinic

Sr. No. Name Department Qualification Designation


“We will walk the path with you”

Metabolic Syndrome is a group of risk factors such as increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels that occur together, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Obesity is a 21st century global social epidemic and diabetes is fast gaining the status of a potential epidemic in India. Indians tend to put on weight in very early adulthood due to genetic preponderance, stress, poor work life balance, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and bad food habits. There is growing number of overweight and obese individuals and data is alarming with 3 out of 4 urban Indians being overweight and atleast 50% being obese. As per the latest WHO (World Health Organisation) report; India is likely to touch 101 million by 2030. Obesity, to a large extent is the driving force for serious diet-related non-communicable diseases, including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke. Its health consequences range from increased risk of premature death to serious chronic conditions that reduce the overall quality of life.
A multidisciplinary approach is needed to not only decrease the prevalence of obesity and diabetes, but also to decrease the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS), high blood pressure and dyslipidemia whilst promoting improved quality of life and health.

Lifestyle diseases are ailments whose occurrence is primarily linked with the day to day life habits of an individual. They may have a genetic basis, but trigger is maladapted behaviors, which may contribute to poor health. Lifestyle comprises of eating patterns, sleeping patterns, physical activity and emotional well-being of an individual.

Under purview of department of medicine following lifestyle diseases are catered to

  • Diabetes mellitus type 2
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Thyroid diseases
  •  Non - alcoholic fatty liver diseases
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Metabolic syndrome and related conditions.


The Programme 

  • Include 3 visits. Initial onetime assessment with physician for medical assessment, nutritional assessment and functional activity assessment.
  • Laboratory and radiological tests along with counseling session.
  • This will be followed by a third clinic visit wherein a multidisciplinary team consultation comprising of metabolic physician, trained dietician and clinical exercise specialist.

Facilities / Services

Sevices Available

  • Comprehensive clinical assessment, diagnostic evaluation and therapeutic management of type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, obesity and other metabolic disorders.
  • A complete pathology and radiology work up including but not limited to Fasting blood sugar, post prandial blood sugar, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), lipid profile, liver function test, thyroid hormone tests.
  • Bariatric surgery.
  • Ambulatory glucose profile (AGP).
  • Insulin pumps installation and support.
  • Weight management using exercise programs under the guidance of a trained physiotherapist / exercise specialist and nutrition counselling by a qualified nutritionist / dietician.
  • Treatment of obesity related complications such as sleep apnea, hypertension, metabolic syndrome etc.
  • Evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of preventive and therapeutic aspects of diabetic foot.
  • Diabetes education classes.
  • Regular follow up with metabolic physician in metabolic clinic.
  • Annual diabetic health check up to assess the sugar control and prevent complications of diabetes.
  • Support groups.


The metabolic clinic offers comprehensive evaluation and compassionate care for a wide range of conditions including but not limited to

  • Diabetes - type 1 and type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, post transplant diabetes and all secondary diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism etc.
  • Other endocrine disorders.
  • Medical diseases complicating diabetes such as hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia, fatty liver etc.
  • Medical diseases complicating obesity such as sleep apnea, polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), infertility etc.


Location: 3rd floor, Metabolic Centre.

Days & Timings: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 9 am to 1 pm.

                            Tuesdays and Fridays: 2 pm to 4 pm.

For Appointments Contact

Clinic Coordinator: Dr  Sushma Sanghavi - 02 225763500 / 9833994455.

